Хлоэ и фасольки у 22-летней австралийки шестеро детей!

Это надо видеть: предлагаем подборку лучших кадров из инстаграма юной австралийской мамочки, у которой аж шестеро детей: трех лет, двух лет, годовалый малыш и новорожденные тройняшки! У аккаунта @chloeandbeans ("Хлоэ и фасольки") почти 74 тысячи подписчиков. Дети - это цветы, не так ли?

(Всего 16 фото)

Beautiful day for a picnic at the park!Eating cake for lunch is okay if you serve it with fruit, right?! People are always asking how we manage to get out so often with all six kids… Honestly we just do. We just manage! Getting out and about keeps us sane and it keeps the kids entertained. If we spend two days in a row at home I start feeling a little crazy. Another question I get is do we have lots of help… The answer is no. We moved across Australia (from Hobart to Perth) at the beginning of this year. Our parents etc are a six hour flight away. It's just me and hubby. My amazing big sis comes over to watch the bigger boys once a week, but otherwise it's just us and that's how we like it! Ro has a few months off work while we settle into our new life and that has been amazing! We are loving all this time together as a family, we are lucky to have it. This year may go down as the hardest yet happiest year of our lives.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Yes Felix, you're still my baby too.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Outings with this lot.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Good morning!

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

I love the silly imaginations of little ones. Apparently they're in bed, having a sleepover. They've been asking for sleepovers so much lately that we've decided to put their beds back in the same (teeny tiny) bedroom. They just can't stand to be apart from each other and it's adorable.On a completely unrelated note… I just wanted to say my inbox is overflowing with lovely messages and questions and I do plan to get back to you all when I can find a spare moment…

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

The older boys are in bed and Ro and I had Indian food delivered an hour ago and it's cold now, but that's okay because baby cuddles! This was the first time I had held them all three whilst they were all very awake, and it was absolutely amazing watching them all make intense eye contact with me all at once, like "we love you mummy". I love you too, little beans. More than you'll ever know.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Behind the scenes of our newborn session! We had such a wonderful time. I cannot wait to see the finished products! @lanapphotography is one amazingly talented lady!

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Another piece of perfection from @lanapphotography

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Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Little miss cranky butt does not like being put down tv remote for size reference

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

We had our first outing as a family of 8 today. Got some books and some bubbles and went for coffee.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Pearl is just hanging out with some friends. #coffeecupforscale #hersuitis000000 #shesjustsotiny

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

I tried to take a cute Father's Day picture of Ro and all his boys but they were having too much fun jumping on the bed and I ended up with about 100 pictures like this! It's perfect to me though because it's full of happiness. Happy Father's Day to my magnificent husband and the father of my six children. You are hands down the kindest, most caring, most loving person I have ever met. Your sons have an amazing role model and your daughter is the luckiest little girl in the world to have a daddy that loves her as much as you do. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being you.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

After nine long weeks in the nursery, Henry and Rufus are coming home!!! It's so hard to leave our sweet girl behind but she's just got to get a little bigger and a little stronger… She will be joining us before we know it. ? We are so excited for endless baby snuggles with these two gorgeous boys… I'm so proud of how far they've come!!!

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

I've been anticipating this moment -not only for the past few months whilst our premature triplets were growing stronger in hospital- but ever since I was a little girl, I've been anticipating having a lovely little family of my own. I never thought I would have my first baby at 19 and be completely done at 22… I never thought I would have six kids and I definitely never thought I would have triplets!! But here we are… Life couldn't be any more perfect. I am cherishing every moment with these six precious miracles and I look forward to everything that lies ahead.

Фото опубликовано @chloeandbeans

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